Website Discovery Questionnaire

Welcome to our online form where we will get all the information we need to understand your website project so we can provide innovative technicals solutions and ideas to improve your customers experience online. Let's get started!

First we'll collect some Information about you and your business

What is your name?
Their name, position and email address
physical address

Now we need some information about your customers and competitors.
Have a good think about what makes you different

Describe your ideal customer.
What are they like? Where are they from? Ethnicity, etc.
What is unique about you and your business, your business, your services, your team, products, and programs, your background, or even the way you work?
(ie Price, testimonials, convenience, referrals...)
What appeals to potential clients about your services?

Now some Brand Discovery and Design Questions

Help us by detailing what you like about them
Please provide names and websites.
What reputation (brand equity) are you building?
And the top values of your ideal customers? What are they looking for?
What do you want others to say about when telling their friends about you?
Any colours, typefaces we must use? Do you have any requirements or brand guidelines?
Most of this we should already have.
i.e. Things to avoid or be careful of, colours that are frowned upon, imagery that is taboo or overused, etc.

Now a few 'Strategy' questions - What do you want from your new website?

Phone you? Subscribe to a list? Purchase something?
If there is more than one desired action, list them in priority order.
If so, please share the details of your offer. eg a Free Pre-planning Guide?
Only if applicable
Do you want to have a news blog? Have you allowed space to show what you do in the Community? A auto feed from Social/Facebook?
When you think about your business in 3-5 years, what will your website need to do to support your business?

We are near the end, last is the funeral industry specific features you want for your website

Features you want included on your new site
Please remove those not required.
If you do not thing we have these already
Is there anything else you’d like to add or share? Do you require certain plugins, API's or systems that need to connect to your website?